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Crunch time... judges

Hi folks,

I'm writing the list, because frankly, I'm stuck.  I have written to about 
4 prospective judges, and have yet to hear any responses back.  (They were 
Roger Miller, Claus Christensen, Jeff Senske, and Chuck Gadd. The latter 
three are speakers for the convention.)  I'm really in a bind for ideas on 
prospective judges, to the point of chucking the whole deal. 

Yes, I wanted to get Amano to judge the event, but I am not going to ask
him until we have three other firm commitments.  Last year our "celebrity"
judge from the netherlands ended up essentially bailing on us, waiting
until the last minute and then performing a rather unsatisfactory job,
getting through only 1/3 the entries.  Given the way Amano's folks chose
to filter all but the "top" entries out from the final judging, I'd far
rather have three folks onboard like Jeff Kropp or Karen who took the time
to go through all the entries.

Any suggestions?


  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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