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RE: Post Event Quibbles

On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, James Purchase wrote:

> Erik, et al
> Regarding "effort", I don't really think that the critics have any idea of
> just how MUCH work it is to put something like this together, and to pull it
> off successfully. I felt very guilty this year because my continuing health
> problems made be drop the ball and have to sit it out. I know that placed an
> even bigger burden on Erik and David Vanderwall. If it wasn't for the
> undoubtly massive effort on their part, this thing wouldn't still be viable.

You should never feel guilty about having to bow out of a volunteer job 
for health or family.  Someone at our local club tried to pull that on me 
this week while I was at home with no voice or stomach.  Probably the 
first time I've EVER had to cancel something like that; and he got a 
virtual earfull over the post.

> I also fear that the continuing niggling might cause Erik to just tire of it
> all and scrap the whole thing as not worth the headache.

Exactly where I'm coming from.  I already have this freakin' Novak suit 
imposing on both my and my wife's life; now both of us are involved in two 
separate hobby magazines with deadlines every couple of months.  It takes 
time to think and respond to critcal posts.  It injects a lot of stress.  
I used to have time for that, but I don't now.  So we'll see.

> But for all that - seeing the quality of the aquascapes which were entered
> this year is very nice. It was also very nice to see where some of the
> entries came from. Regional differences in approach are visible and I think
> that the display of so many tanks helps everyone by providing examples to
> emulate.

Oh James, you're so naive. :)  It's all about the prize money, baby!

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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