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[AGA Contest] Ready to go!

Hi guys,

I whipped up some graphics for the year, and with generous copying of text 
from previous years, I think the site is ready to go live.

Dave V, I'm naming you guys in charge of e-mailing clubs and individuals
(job #5). Dennis, can you help him out with the searching for more
addresses?  And perhaps you might check in with Bailin to see if you can
get any cross-coordination from the folks working on the convention (i'm
not sure who from DFW is working on e-mail contacts if anyone yet).  You
guys can use the text from previous years, or feel free to crib anything
off the new flyers I wrote.

Phil, you're hereby designated as boards contact person! (job #6)

Bailin, you're job #8, requesting donations from vendors.  As I said, this 
could be as simple as just using donations for the convention, or as 
elaborate as you want it to be.  Larry Lampert ran a sponsor letter by me 
this week that looks good & might have a few words added.  Personally, I'd 
be happy to add company logos to a web page on the contest if they donate.

Erica, would you be willing to do "Job #7", contacting magazines and 
getting an announcement in?

Everyone, please proof the site today.  It's at 

Enter a fake tank, make sure all the links seem to work, etc.

Even if you don't get a chance today, it's still not too late, we can make 
changes all throughout the entry period.  Thanks for all your help!

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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