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Re: [AGA Contest] Ready to go!

In a message dated 5/31/2003 4:53:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
erik@thekrib.com writes:

> Erica, would you be willing to do "Job #7", contacting magazines and 
> getting an announcement in?

Hi Erik,

I'd be glad to do this.  I just need to know what kind of announcement you 
have in mind?  A graphic advertisement, or one of those "classified" style 

If there is some graphic ad put together, I would imagine that it would 
probably cost plenty to put it in a widely distributed mag; is this a case 
I'd ask if they'd like to be a sponsor so we can get a free ad and they can get 
their name included somewhere in the contest gallery?

I didn't pay attention to what kind of magazine announcements were done last 
year (I'm a relatively new member) so don't have anything to go on yet.  

I know you're super-busy, but if you have a moment to answer my questions 
about this, it would really help me get started.  BTW, who did this task last 
year?  Maybe I can get in touch with them and see what they did that worked 

Thanks again Erik!


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