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Re: [AGA Contest] Ready to go!

Hi Erik,

Dave. Email me and let me and I can email you a link that has a long list of clubs.

Dave V, I'm naming you guys in charge of e-mailing clubs and individuals
(job #5). Dennis, can you help him out with the searching for more
addresses?  And perhaps you might check in with Bailin to see if you can
get any cross-coordination from the folks working on the convention (i'm
not sure who from DFW is working on e-mail contacts if anyone yet).  You
guys can use the text from previous years, or feel free to crib anything
off the new flyers I wrote.

Erik, I'll send you the letter that Larry, Tim and I put together to send to prospective vendors. The letter will be able to target both the raffles, vendor room, and prizes for the contest all at once. The letter will be going to the people who are going to be involved in getting some vendor donations for this conference. So, be expecting a letter soon.

Bailin, you're job #8, requesting donations from vendors.  As I said, this
could be as simple as just using donations for the convention, or as
elaborate as you want it to be.  Larry Lampert ran a sponsor letter by me
this week that looks good & might have a few words added.  Personally, I'd
be happy to add company logos to a web page on the contest if they donate.

Wasn't able to get into the link.  Is it being worked on now?

Everyone, please proof the site today.  It's at

Enter a fake tank, make sure all the links seem to work, etc.


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