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Re: [AGA Contest] Re: more biotopes

This is what I thought went on (of course, I had the
advantage of reading the mail recently ;-) ). But I can't
imagine how all this subjective stuff could be codified
much less then the code appropriately altered to address
biotopical judges.

Maybe purported biotope entries should have to pass a
screen -- someone that decides merely if the entry is
reasonably representative of a specific biotope. If so, it
goes into the biotope cat, if not then the contestant can
opt to enter it in a size cat or withdraw. But that sounds
complicated, especially for only a half dozen entries. And
the rules for all the other cats aren't any more formal,
are they?

I guess I appreciate the underlying issue, that there is a
technical issue of accuracy in addition to aesthetic
evaluation, but I don't see enough reason to drop biotopes
or handle them significantly diff -- at least not yet. 

If we had a few hundred entries, it might make sense to
divide up into specific kinds of biotopes (Rio Negro, Rio
Grande, Lake Malawi, etc). But the looser general term
"Biotope" seems fitting enough at present.


--- Erik Olson <erik@thekrib.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, S. Hieber wrote:
> > How do we qualify judges for any aspects of the
> contest?
> Excellent question.  Here's what *I* use to qualify a
> judge. . .

-  -   -   -   -   -   -   -
Erik Olson annouces AGA 2004 Annual Aquascaping Awards
at the annual Convention Nov 12, 13 & 14; 
Details & Registration at www.aquatic-gardeners.org  & www.gwapa.org

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