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Re: [AGA Contest] Re: biotope suggestions link

Hmmm.  I guess that isn't quite what I anticipated.

My initial comment yesterday was to the effect that the biotope category 
should be dropped.  In the course of discussion I decided that amputation was 
perhaps a draconian measure.  The category does appeal to people who may not 
otherwise be interested in the contest and it does give them an opportunity 
to compete. I thought the main problem was that the category needed a more 
substantial definition.

Steve's suggestions actually would remove the category, but it would do so in 
a different way.  The guidelines effectively turn the biotope/nature aquarium 
category into a separate contest; it would have different entrance 
requirements and a different scoring system.  The overall emphasis is so 
different that it should probably even have different judges.

I could come up with some specific comments, but I think it's more important 
to first ask; do we want to go that far?

Roger Miller

On Wednesday 21 April 2004 17:59, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an link to a web page for the biotope suggestions.  It should be
> easier to access and it also prints nicely.
> http://users.ev1.net/~spituch/b.html

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