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[AGA Contest] Re: Amano PR material

On Mon, 3 May 2004 RickDotson@aol.com wrote:

> When we last talked you said to sign up for the convention list serve.  
> I have not recieved any email on the convention.  If you can send a link
> to sign up that would be great.  We have some volunteers that are
> interested in helping out.  I would like to have some ideas on how you
> were wanting to promote the contest.  We are going to get a round of
> marketing going soon and we can tie them together.

Hi Rick,

I'm guessing you didn't sign up for the listserv then!  I'm pretty sure 
Ghazanfar did though.  Send mail to majordomo@thekrib.com with "subscribe 
aga-contest" in the body.

We had our first big discussion about a week ago, mostly about the biotope
category.  I think that discussion finished (category staying same, but
looks like a name change is in order, plus pointers to more educational
material)... and I'd now like to start getting into details on who's
taking care of PR.  We have a small team that has taken care of
e-mailing individuals and clubs, but little or no magazine exposure.

In terms of cross-promotion, I'm hoping that any PR to magazines could
include a blurb about the contest, website and the closing date of
September 15th.  Solicitation letters to prospective donors could also
note that the donations will be listed on both the contest and convention
website, and donations might be used as prizes (I think it's actually part
of our agreement with the convention).  Likewise, the e-mailing to clubs
and such done by the contest team could include a small blurb about the
convention, and your PR would be welcome to use photos from previous 

I'm cc'ing this to the contest folks to get us back on the same page 
again.  Yes, I've been horrendously busy again the last week, but it's 
been bugging me every night when I go to sleep that I haven't steered us 
onto the next topic. 

  - Erik

PS: I have come up with an idea for the yearly "contest logo" that ties in 
quite nicely with both the GWAPA folks' plan of 
displaying/peoples-choice-judging this year's entries at the convention, 
and also brings in an angle of the "is it art?" theme that was so strong 
in last year's contest.  It's more elaborate than previous years, 
involving new photography rather than just photoshopping stuff, so we'll 
see if I can pull it off.

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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