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[AGA Contest] More proofing -- Banners and Posters and Flyers

Hi folks,

This should hopefully be the last round before the site goes live on the 
first... and hopefully the last late night for me doing this stuff for a 
bit!  I have updated the Event Guidelines, Poster/Notice, and banner ads.

Take a peek at http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/t4.cgi

(click on "Press Kit" under General).  If you have a minute, please feel
free to read the brochure & notice, and reply here with comments,
especially if things look just a bit too goofy (for instance the two
dueling banners).

Anyone wanting to contact actual magazines and they might want art, all
these graphics are available in ridiculously-high resolution (the original
on the main logo is something like 8000x2000 pixels).

Also, it's not to late to try the entry process.  It'd be nice if a couple
people tried that out from start to finish, including uploading photos.  
No worries, I'm going to wipe it clean once the site goes official.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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