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[AGA-Contest] Contest photo release suggestion/improvement?

Suggestion regarding the photo release:

I'm wondering if we could do some sort of "click through" agreement for the photo release, sort of like what happens when I install a piece of software and have to say I agree to the terms and conditions of the license agreement? Could we put a check box on the entry page (deselected by default) which states the entrant has read the rules and regulations, and is the legitimate copyright holder of the photos (or however this is currently worded), and, of course, not let the user continue to submit the entry until they have agreed to the terms by checking the box? I'm not a lawyer, but it seems like this method should be just as good as a scanned signature.

Maybe this would put it over the top and into the "super-duper ridiculously easy" category.  ;-)  It seems the signed photo release comes up as an issue every year. Erik would know best, though.

I can't believe similar contests don't have *some* sort of method to reduce the contest's exposure to liability in the case of copyright infringement. This contest also serves as material for TAG, so it's important to have that agreement with the entrant saying, "You own the copyright, but by entering you are giving us permission to reprint your photos on the contest website and in TAG."

Or have other contests figured out that by entering the contest there is an implicit agreement to the contest rules and regulations? I seem to recall going down this road before, and we just decided better safe than sorry, probably mostly due to wanting to use the photos for TAG.

Anyway, click-through agreement. I think it could work, and it would be a little easier for the entrants, and probably also for Erik in the long term.

Dave V.

On 10/1/07, S. Hieber <shieber@yahoo.com> wrote:
Suggestion: Keep notes as you go along. The sooner  you write things down the better. The share all the notes with the group and can mull over what needs what.

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