> Question - What are the legal issues surrounding the posting of scientific > papers? Can you order a copy of a paper and then post it to the web if you > place the information concerning the original copyright holder with it > (like, the Journal it came from, etc.). This is a copyright issue. I'm not an attorney, but I've studied this issue from a number of sides for various reasons and I'll echo a couple things off the top of my head: (1) The author is implicitly the copyright holder, even by doing nothing. However, the copyright holder often makes the work explicitly copyrighted when a "(C) Copyright by AUTHOR" appears on the work, and that gives extra copyright protection in some countries. (2) Just doing a "(C)" doesn't count... it actually has to be a "c" inside a circle for some countries to honor the copyright. (3) Copyrights can be filed with a country's government, but typically this isn't done with most works. Filing is cheap ($15 or so in the US) and easy and is often done by the copyright holder for computer software, because the copyright holder can sue for damages if someone infringes on a software copyright that has been filed. (4) In general, violations of the copyright law aren't punished as severely if the violator is not intentionally violating the law, or if the violator has no financial gain for violating the law. In other words, minor "exemptions" are given to people for academic purposes such as instructors/professors, critics and reviewers, or other reporter-type people. (5) A copyright in one country (more or less) is honored by all countries as a result of international agreements from 1974 and before. (6) Since 1974, the term "All Rights Reserved" doesn't mean anything. Prior to 1974, it enforced full protection in some countries. Don't use it (it's meaningless now). (7) It's really not a good idea to try to reprint an entire article or work, especially if that article or work is already published in a journal (magazine). Publishing selections or subsets of the work is much easier to defend. The publisher usually requires full copyright ownership (controlling all reprint requests) for a given work it publishes. Exceptional effort is usually required for an author to get something published in a magazine that was already published elsewhere. (8) The copyright holder can at any time explicitly make the work freely available (distributable) within the public domain. This is usually done with a public statement. If that happens, it's that way forever. ------ In short, making references to a publication is never a problem. Making links to a site or article is never a problem, although (of course) it's a courtesy to ask permission to reference a "personal" or "private" web site. You can include quotes and subsets of any article, although the bigger the excerpt the more likely you are violating the copyright. Always cite sources for any quote. If you make any money at all, directly or indirectly, you are most likely violating the copyright law (and much less likely to get leniency from a court.) Quotes on a hobby web site are probably fine, but if that hobby web site has hobby products for sale, don't tempt fate without explicit permission. If it's been published, the publisher probably has (or would have) the article posted on a web site if the publisher wanted free public access (but that still does not permit re-distribution; you can't copy the page to your web site, even if you cite the original source). Most professional journals or organizations allow for some level of online access, although many are member-only or subscriber-only sites (so they can show financial damages if you publish their work without permission.) So, for these articles, we're probably going to have to stick with summaries, small quotes, and references to the article posted on the web unless the publisher allows (explicitly) for us to copy/distribute them in this forum. I hope that helps. In short, I think a "synthesis" or "critique" type approach that summarizes salient points is the best (you are now a journalist or academic, whether you are paid or not.) If something is really good and you're feeling ambitious, contact the author/publisher directly to get explicit permission. --charley ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to majordomo@thekrib.com with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-member/