Tomoko wrote: > I wonder if it is worth considering an eBook type option for > TAG. I suppose that this may incur an initial investment > but it can eliminate postage and handling.... Karen replied: > I think that's an option that's worth at least exploring, thanks! Right > now, I have my hands full getting the paper TAG reorganized. Would anyone > else care to do some research into what we'd need to do and how myuch it > would cost to service overseas members this way? eBooks? That's just another name for an Adobe PDF file. They are created using any of several software packages from Adobe (I have Adobe Acrobat 5 and Adobe Pagemaker 7.0, both of which export to PDF format). Depending upon what you are using to prepare the layout for TAG, the same files should be able to be turned into PDF files (Pagemaker can import most major word processing files and can handle any graphics format you care to throw at it). The idea of eBooks is that they are for sale - and Adobe makes a product called Content Server which is software to handle the transaction and provide access to the product once it has been paid for. For all other use (i.e. - to give the stuff away, or to make it available to AGA members) there shouldn't be any need for such sophistication (nor expense - Content Server software runs around $5,000.00 US). I'm sure that Erik can set up a section of the AGA website which is only accessible to AGA members with very little effort, and at no cost to the organization. Any PDF files uploaded there could be downloaded by members. If you want, I can take an old copy of TAG, scan it into my computer and run it thru OCR software and then see how easy it would be to pump out an "electronic equivalent" of TAG back issues using Pagemaker and Adobe Acrobat. As I mentioned, for future issues of TAG, all that is needed is the right software because you already have the text and graphics in some sort of layout package - depending upon the page layout software you use, you might be able to go directly to PDF from there. Let me know..... James Purchase Toronto ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at