Hi, Roger! Got rid of that carbon block co2 dooby. After testing with both a diy and an injection system, I don't know what the hell the carbon block was doing, but I couldn't get the tank to behave like the real co2 systems - in that cranking it up wouldn't affect pH among other things. So I switched to real co2. See no difference in plant growth but my other parameters have definitely improved. (Having some nice success with an extremely low tech tank now, too. Nothing but good soil substrate, medium lights, and only weekly 25% water changes. That's all the maintainance I do.) I have some Lobelia that is written up as red under low intensity lighting.. put one clump in a small tank with low lights and the upper leaves did turn red Put it back in the big tank and they turned green within 48 hours. I have another stem plant whose name I've forgotten and the leaves in shadow are much redder than those in the light. Again, the pictures I saw of the plant before I got it said it was red under low intensity.. But check out the description of the lobelia cardinalis and you should read what I'm talking about. (God, I hope I got the name right.. I'm awful with names.) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Roger Miller" <roger@spinn.net> > Hmm. I didn't know that there were red plants that required lower intensity > light to remain red. > > > Roger Miller ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to majordomo@thekrib.com with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-member/