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[AGA Member] Aquarium Planning

Just joined this list and I am planning a planted tank. This is my first
foray into the realm of planted aquaria. I've read tons, talked to some
folks at the lfs that are successful in keeping planted aquaria and have
come up with a basic idea and plan. My background is in reef and African
The Plan:
Tank: AGA 210 with overflows. 72x24x30. AGA Stand 28" tall 
Lighting: AB 72" AquaSpaceLight 3 w/ 3 6500k 250w MH  and 2 24w Actinic
Blue. Hang above open topped tank
Sump: 40 Breeder 36x18x16 Provisions for two tank drains into 100 micron
filter bag, channel for foam polishing sponge. Sump to include
Heat 2x200 submersible 
CO2 Diffuser (I'm leaning toward the Aqua Medic Membrane type, unsure of
size needed)
Return Pump: 2x 600gph @ 5' external 
All plumbing connections will have true unions w/ gate valves in
schedule 40 pvc
Substrate Heating: I'm leaning to the 100w from aquariumlandscapes.net
(Pros/Cons?) I've looked at the Dupla setup and it runs over $1000 for
this size aquarium, that's a budget buster in a big way. 
CO2 System: 5 or 10lb bottle, depends what fits standing up in the
stand. 2 Stage regulator w/solenoid controlled via CO2 controller from
aquariumlandscapes.net set on timer not come on when lights are off. Do
I need a bubble counter with that kind of setup? Recommended ones if
needed? I'm also not 100% on a diffuser, recommendations please.
Substrate: 3"-3.5" in depth.  1" layer CaribSea Amazon, 1" layer mixed
2/3 CaribSea Amazon, 1/3 Laterite , 1" layer CaribSea Amazon to top off.
Assorted rocks and driftwood to created a visually pleasing (to me)
What am I missing hardware wise besides the incidentals like a
thermometer, timers etc?
My plan is to cycle the tank with fast growing plants only, no fish.
Once cycled some of the fast growers will be removed and I will
aquascape to a more visually appealing (to me) setup and start adding
swimming livestock. Ultimately leading to a nice shoal of discus and
other denizens to form an Amazon biotype. 
Thoughts, comments, concerns?

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