My experience has been pretty much in step with your responses. I've had great-looking carpets that I maintained with meticulous work (and rosey barbs) and I've had problems. Around Christmas I redid the aquascape in my 150, tore out the marsilea carpet and replanted. Yesterday I tore it out again. It was pretty much choked with a cottony hair algae and the algae spread from the carpet to other plants in the tank. I think that tank is just too large for me to maintain a marsilea carpet. Incidentally -- also in right in line with some comments -- given enough light and CO2 marsilea is not very slow-growing. At the beginning of January I had a few sprigs planted. Yesterday I took out about 2 square feet of "sod." That was even after taking about 1/3 of it out in late January for a small rearrangement. I also have lilaeopsis in the tank, and it seems to be less prone to algae problems. It is also a little easier to clean up than marsilea but also more easily damaged than marsilea. Lilaeopsis doesn't seem to be as popular as it was a few years ago. Any idea why? I haven't grown dwarf hair grass yet; I have E. montevidenses and have in the distant past grown E. vivipara. Maybe if the Lilaeopsis doesn't work out I'll try hair grass. Thanks all. Roger Miller ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at