From: "Robert H" <>
To: <>
Subject: [AGA Member] Re:Re:Aquabotanic Aquascaping Contest--or Taking Notice of how things Ad up
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 01:42:51 -0800
>>Yes, Robert, the AGA and Aquabotanic can coexist. However, I don't think
that's what's really happening or your true agenda. If that were the case,
then comments like, "There is life outside of the AGA Scott." wouldn't have
been made. That was uncalled for and in poor taste.<<
I am sorry you feel that way Balin, and I am really at a loss as to why you
would say that. I felt Scotts comments were not called for if you want the
truth, but I was responding playfully. And I thought I was being a little
sensitive. But there does seem to be an undercurrent of resentment from some
people in AGA and I feel that in your comments. I have no agenda at all. I
have not advertised the contest in this forum or APD. I apologize if this
offends you or anyone else.
>>There is getting word out and then there is spamming. I've been hit multiple times in multiple lists with the email. I wouldn't have such an issue with it if the "advertisement" were in the form of a email tag, but that's not the case here is it? <<
Sorry, but that is horse pucky. To my knowledge nobody has been sending email about the contest to anyone, and nobody is targeting you, and again I am not involved in it. Nobody seemed to mind when I posted SPAM in every forum on the internet about the AGA contest during its first year. But not to worry Balin, I am sure you and Scott have now sufficiently embarrassed Carlos so he will never post any more announcements about the AB contest here again. Be happy.
>>My concern is the fact that his sight while promoting planted tank is also
self serving by promoting his business. As a board member of a club, we
wrestled with what to do about allowing businesses become a member of our
club. It's an issue we're still debating.<<
The Dallas club? Your WEB designer designed my Gallery. How is my business
any of your business or concern? Why should you care what I do? What are
you saying? I shouldn't be a member of the AGA? The AGA has no problem
supporting Mr. Gombergs many business ventures. I do not ask for anything
from anyone. I do my own thing. There is no conspiracey in my forums against
AGA, in fact it is quite the opposite. Many of my forums members are very
dedicated AGA members, and give me more flack than you ever could if I say
one bad thing about AGA.
Just the fact that a simple announcment could generate such a heated
response from you is a sign that there is much more to this that is not
being said, and it's a shame because we all do share the same interest. That
is the bottom line.
Robert Hudson
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