Aviel wrote: >> If I put the aquarium in the middle of the amazon river, and it's day, no clouds - I get some light intensity over the surface of my tank. Now how many Fluorescent Watts should I provide to get the same intensity? I know Lumens and Lux are not the right thing to use but still - I read somewhere that the sun is 30,000 lux. I think a good 36W T8 Fluorescent is ~2500 lumens. If I have a surface area of the tank of ~1.25 square meter. Then that's 2000 Lux per Fluorescent. So 30,000 / 2000 = 15 Fluorescents. Multiplied by 36W gives - 540W and divide it by 200 gallons = 2.7 wpg. << Well, there are a couple of ways to approach this question. I don't think it is possible to come close to the intensity of full, noonday sun with fluorescent lighting. But... How much light do plants RECEIVE when growing in (any) Amazonian river? Not nearly as much. In white water areas, the water is the color and opacity of coffee with cream. Light can't penetrate more than a couple of inches. This is so marked that white water is substantially COOLER than black water... the energy (light AND heat) is simply reflected away. In black water areas, the water is so dark that it's not unusual not to be able to see your feet when you'r wading. Not much light getting through there, either. There are, of course clear water areas too. Not surprisingly, these areas support much more submersed plant growth. In those areas, however, plants can be found growing in EXTREME density in water up to 8 feet deep. Only the tops of the tallest plants can benefit from the full intensity. So... You are right, our tanks don't come close to sun-intensity. But do our plants need that kind of intensity? No. The aquarium plants that are commercially available are an adaptable lot. They grow well under a wide range of conditions or they wouldn't have made it into the hobby. Karen ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to majordomo@thekrib.com with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-member/