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RE: [AGA-Member] Paging CAGA


I like your response. So many things to keep in order. I believe, it is time to delegate some of that stuff. 

I am a proud owner of two aquariums. I have a 58 gallon and a 30Long. Co2 with the 58g and Non-Co2 on the 30L. I have better success with the 30L and 2 watts per gallon. The 58g has 4 watts per gallon lighting. Nevertheless, I enjoy both setups. I think the fish like it too. If they could only talk.

I am interested in the Baltimore meeting in November. Good Luck with the conference. I have been to the Baltimore aquarium. You guys will enjoy that experience. I would like to meet you people in the future. Myself, I am planning on going to Hawaii in November. I will be attending a Northwestern vs. Hawaii football game in Honolulu the 27th. I will be at Waikiki Beach for 8 days.

The president of CAGA club is Jin Kim. You can reach him at his work email # jin.kim@zenith.com. I do not have his home or work number. You can chat with me too. My work # is 847 673-2718 ext 676. 

Best regards,

Eric Gegner

-----Original Message-----
From: aga-member-bounces@thekrib.com
[mailto:aga-member-bounces@thekrib.com]On Behalf Of Cheryl Rogers
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 11:23 AM
To: Aquatic Gardeners Association Member Chat
Subject: Re: [AGA-Member] Paging CAGA

Return-Path: aga-member-bounces@thekrib.com
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 23 Aug 2004 16:45:47.0528 (UTC) FILETIME=[A3F34080:01C48930]

Well, work is hectic right now and the laundry is piling up. I'm three days 
late sending my brother-in-law's birthday present and the sink is full of 
dishes. I've been doing 50% water changes on my 30-gallon tank every day, 
trying to clear up the last of the green water haze. Pruning like mad, 
cranking the CO2, and making sacrifices to the Gods of Aquarium Plants that 
my swords grow nicely enough to enter the tank in the contest in the next 
few weeks. Meanwhile, my husband broke the digital camera and one of my 
light bulbs burned out. Jeez.

But that's not what you meant, is it?  :-)

I looked at the CAGA web site, and it seems that it is an internet-only 
club? I was hoping for a mailing address, or a contact person to talk to 
'bout AGA stuff.


Gegner, Eric wrote:

> Hi Cheryl,
> What is happening?
> Eric Gegner
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aga-member-bounces@thekrib.com
> [mailto:aga-member-bounces@thekrib.com]On Behalf Of Cheryl Rogers
> Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 6:45 PM
> To: Aquatic Gardeners Association Member Chat
> Subject: [AGA-Member] Paging CAGA
> If anyone here is a member of the Chicago Aquatic Gardeners Association, 
> please e-mail me at cheryl@wilstream.com
> Cheryl

Cheryl Rogers, Membership
Aquatic Gardeners Association

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