It might suffice for some plants that don't require much light or if the tank gets a good amount of sunlight, even indirect sunlight if there is lots of it. I haven't tired to grow anubias at that low a lighting level but surely someone else on this list has. Using fluorescent lighting, I'd tried to aim for something closer to 2 watts per gallon. If using a store-bought hood with a white plastic refector instead of a mirror-like reflector, and conventtional fluorescent type bulbs (as opposed to power compact fluorescents) I'd want at least 2 watts. With a good reflector, a little less than 2 watts will work fine. It can help a lot to add CO2, which you can can get started doing rather inexpensively by setting up a bottle as a yeast fermentation tank and letting the gas output (CO2) buble into a owerhead or canister filter. Scott H. --- Noel Wise <> wrote: > Thank you for the services you provide to aquarists > world-wide. Despite researching "Lighting," I am still > in the dark and somewhat confused. > > I have a 50 gallon tank (36x15x20 ins) lit by a single 30 > inch "Power-Glow" high intensity florescent aquarium lamp > -110 Lux-25 watts. Is this adequate for good plant > growth? > > Please advise. - Noel Wise (Calgary, Canada) > > _______________________________________________ > AGA-Member mailing list > > > ===== Plant your feet in Washington, D.C. and touch the moon -- at the National Air & Space Museum. And learn the art of aquascaping Senske style at AGA2K4. Speakers, field trip, Ray "Kingfish" Lucas, and more. . . The Annual AGA Convention, 2004, November 12-14. Convention Details/Registration at & _______________________________________________ AGA-Member mailing list