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Eggs every where!!

I have a 20gH tank that has 2 Kribs and 2 Jewel's in it. For my new year
present the Kribs and the Jewel's have laid eggs. About 70 for the Krib in
an overturned flower pot and then about 200 for the jewel on the side of a
Now this is exciting for me but what should I do now. I set up a small 10gal
tank in the basement in order to use that condidtioned water to replenish my
20 gal but maybe know I should be transferring any babies I get to it. I
have moss grass in the 10gal and have decided to add a cucumber slice to
start some harry stuff growing for the frys to eat. I think the jewel frys
will be safe with the parents but I am not sure.
The basement is cold but the tank stays at a steady 75degrees.. will this be
high enough for the fry.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.. I can't leave the fry by thenselves
in the bigger tank because ther is also a couple of zebras, a SAE and a
small red tail shark.


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