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RE: RE: Why did they kill the eggs!! :-(

Thanks.. I have been leaving a smaller light on for them so that my plants
are not receiving full light 24hrs a day. Next batch I'll get the algae
eater out of there.

Thanks again

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
> [mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of William Vannerson
> Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 1:48 PM
> To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
> Subject: Re: RE: Why did they kill the eggs!! :-(
> >>Chinese algae eater and today seen something remarkable.. it
> chased the large jewel off and actually attached itself to the
> side of the male ( just for a second). <<
> This is why many folks don't by Chinese (Siamese) Algea Eaters.
> The true SAE is realtively harmless, but others that are similar
> and sold as SAE will actually eat scles off of their tank mates
> when they are hungry.  I'd consider removing it.  BTW, the SAE
> and the Cory may be eating the eggs.  If the you leave the lights
> on 24 hours, the parents may have a fighting chance to protect
> the spawn.  But if you let the tank get dark, the cats will
> feast.  It's best to remove them or divide the tank so they can't
> get to the eggs.
> Bill Vannerson
> McHenry, IL
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/william_vannerson
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