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Re: Cryptocryne

In soft water, almost all plants will eventually cause the pH to drift
down.   It's not just the plants that cause the pH to go down but the
fact that they use CO2 and give off O2, use up ammonia and NH2 and NH3
in your tanks.   I can't remember the actual chemical reactions but
planted tanks lower your pH in soft water.
A friend of mine who is really into planted tanks has had his pH drift
down into the low 4's causing some acid burns on some of his plants. 
I use quite a few Aponogetons and Crypts in some of my planted apisto
tanks.   I try to stay away from swordplants as they really get too big
for some of my 10 gallon breeder tanks.   All the small bunch plants
look awesome.  Hygros, Cabombas, Myrophyllums, dwarf swords like
Tenellus, Quadricostatus and Latafolias are neat plants to use.
Ludwigias and Bacopa species are really sharp to use also.   

Now this brings me to a question I'm sure someone will raise.   With
quite a few of the plants I listed above you need some intense lighting
to get them to grow, which you do, but I have not found the bright light
to bother apistos. They just melt into the plants if they want a little
cover.   The myth that Apistos hate bright lights is not always true.
I've found in some really heavily planted tanks the fish did really

Hope this helps you out.


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