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Re: dwarf fish

Well, you could try a 10 with the brichardis - the one thing i've learned about africans is that you can always learn more. As far as harem breeding goes, it only seems to work well when the fish have a lot of space. Females generally need to have a nook or a space hidden from the other females in which to raise their young. Interestingly, this species raises broods extremely fast. I have found that as soon as one clutch is free-swimming, they will lay another batch of eggs (in my case, 8-10 days later) and the older ones are moved out from the females central area. Each brood expands their range as they age. However, the female (and the male) seem to expand the territory they protect with the expansion of the fry. So what may have been a safe harem breeding situation can become a war-zone when the females territories intersect.
Coral sand is generally a good substrate for africans because it raises the hardness and pH. (I filter my tanks through it). I have also improved my fishes vitality by adding epsom salts and No Salt (a potassium-based salt substitute here in Canada). Don't use the 1/2 sodium 1/2 potassium stuff though.
As far as books go, I am still a fan of a book I picked up years ago by Ad Konings called Tanganyika Cichlids. I think the publisher is Verduijn Cichlids. For wish listing, I generally pour through my old Aqualex Catalogue.
On another note, do you have the address for the cichlid listserve?
-----Original Message-----
From: K & D Martin <martndk@ibm.net>
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com <apisto@majordomo.pobox.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: dwarf fish

this is exactly why i like this list, lots of good experience and advice.  Ok, no to the 5.5.  How about a 10 for the brichardi, it says in baensch that they are kind of a harem breeder, so one male to a few females?  i don't want war.  so far i have just the one pair but can get more if i need to.  I wanted a shell dweller tho.  I can always put these brichardi in my 35 long and a shell dweller pair in a 10 at the office.  i have vol. 1 and 3 of baensch so let me know what pages to look up or full names if you have suggestions.  i will look into the ones helen mentinoed, thank you again!