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Re: Shell Dwellers?

I have to back Helen on the wet blanket approach. It's not that the list
wishes to be narrow, but there's a lot of general info on East African
Lake cichlids, and it can be very hard to get info on South American or
West African dwarf species. It goes with how hard it is to get these
fish in a lot of places.
I imagine it must be frustrating for a lot of hobbyists on the list to
see it isn't about dwarf cichlids from everywhere. It's been an
eye-opener to see new names jumping into this thread. At the same time
though, this list exists to discuss one group of cichlids. It's not a
snob thing because they're rare, it's a result of there being few places
where one can discuss and learn about these creatures. I think the  list
has to remain specialized and get away from 'off topic' fish. 
I Promise I won't ask about the Russian guy's Discus any more if
everyone else takes the Tanganyika thread to a Tanganyika list... :-)

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