Sarah, Personally I would not introduce any catfish to your spawning Altispinosa tank. Do you have a local aquatic club as this is probably your best bet in acquiring worm cultures i.e. microworm, grindal and whiteworms. Also you could have a look in the aquatic magazines as many places advertise and you can order them my mail. Helen > more questions: I have a Peckoltia vittata poking around another > tank, and I am wondering if this would be a safe companion for my > spawning altispinosa, or should I go invest in some otocinclus cats > for this tank? > > A few days ago, I believe Gabi mentioned she keeps a worm culture > box. For those of us who dwell in American cities this sort of thing > isn't commonly available. Does anyone know where I might find one > and how it is kept? I would love to have a ready source of worms for > the fish and a composter to boot. > As always, suggestions are welcome > Thanks, > Sarah LeGates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!