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Re: companion fish

Hello Gabriella
My guess would be that they should be able to coexist in the same tank.
The Borellis' should be able to defend their fry well enough to get them
to a point where the fry are too big for the Endlers to eat.    As far
as the Endlers fry, they would more then likely stay up top in the
plants where the Borellis wouldn't be able to find them until they got
big enough such that the Borellis wouldn't look at them as lunch.    

Next question.   Are you keeping your Borellis in harder water that the
Endlers enjoy or have you gotten your Endlers to survive in softer
water?   I've never had good luck trying to get livebearers to thrive in
softer water like I have nor have I ever tried to keep Apistos in harder
water.   Just curious.  I've always like true Endlers.   


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