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Re: mixed species tank

In a message dated 1/16/00 10:13:01 PM, you wrote:

<<I've got a question for anyone.   I have an empty 55 gallon tank at the
moment and wanted to set it up heavily planted with lots of natural
caves out of rocks and driftwood.   What I wanted to do was put some
small tetras or killies in there along with a few different species of
apistos.   Has anyone ever had any luck with a non breeding community
tank of apistos without having major casualties due to males fighting
over territory.    I thought maybe a nice pair of Cacatuoides, a pair or
trio of Aggies and my group of Cruzis.   Plus maybe some small corys and
of course my tetra and killies.   I don't care if the fish in there
never spawn or not.   >>

I've mixed a few species in a 25H with lots of plants and bogwood.  A pair of 
aggies and a pair of bitaeniatas did fine together, although it was clear 
that the male aggie was king.  The aggies spawned once.  I mixed and matched 
and eventually ended up with a pair of norberti in there, too.  They became 
the eventual king and queen.  Toward the end I had a male bitaeniata and the 
norberti.  They really 'hated' him and he eventually became nutrients for the 
plants because I couldn't get him out from the jungle.  I think that the 
different species did best when both males and females were present.


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