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RE: mixed species tank

There is no real answer to this as individual fish can differ.  I've seen
A.nijsseni males that would try and kill anything that moved and others that
wouldn't harm a fly.

If you have to mix fish in a tank (which I often do myself as I don't have
many tanks) then you just have to keep an eye on things and move out any
aggressor that is ruining the life of everyone else.  I've got a trio of
A.caetei in with some D.maculatus in a three foot tank at the moment without

In the examples below the fish are not look alikes and probably do not see
each other as a direct threat.  Things may change if you were to add another
male macmasteri or A.viejita or another closely related apisto.  So it is
probably a  good idea not to mix closely related species.


I've been surprised at some of the tales of cross-species aggression. At the
moment I have a four foot tank with a pair of mcmasteri, a trio of
altispinosa, and a juvenile pair of checkerboards, along with marble
hatchets, pencil fish, rummy-nose tetras and ottos.

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