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aggressive cackatoo male

Hi everyone,
Some weeks ago a restarted my old hobby en installed a new 250L tank, with 
fish from SA. My main goal was to keep some Apistogramma's. After some 
reeding, I decided to keep following fishes together: 1 pair of A. 
cacatuoides orange, 1 pair of A. borelli, 5 young Angelfish, 5 young 
Corydoras paleatus and a group of Megalamphodus sweglesi. I provide a lot of 
hiding places and spwaning places for the apisto's and divided the tank in 
several regions by means of pieces of wood and a lot of plants. pH +/- 
neutral, KH = 4 and DH = 5. After 4 days my cackatoo's spwaned in a cave that 
was enlarged by the female. I could detect +/- 60 red eggs. The female was 
aggressively defending the cave but couldn't keep the male away from the 
eggs. So 4 days later the female only had like 10 eggs left and at the end of 
the day the 10 young fish were also eaten by the male. This male is very 
aggressif towards the borellis and his territory spans the whole tank. He 
already killed one of the corydoras.
I read about females eating there eggs and fry but after some tries becoming 
good mothers. My question now is if I should remove the male and start 
looking for another one or if I should just wait and give him a new chance, 
hoping that he will learn how to behave? I 'm not interested in breeding them 
on large scale so breeding them in a seperate tank, removing 
the male from the tank after spawning or removing the eggs is no alternative 
for me. I only want to see the fish being "happy" in my tank and would like 
to observe the behavior of a good mom and dad apisto! 
I want to excuse myself for my terrible english but being a Belgian, english 
is not my native 
Raf Mols
Raf Mols				
Laboratory For Molecular Oncology
Centrum voor Menselijke Erfelijkheid
K.U. Leuven / Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology
Campus Gasthuisberg O&N
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven

Phone:	+32-16-34.59.88
Fax:	+32-16-34.60.73
E-mail:	Raf.Mols@med.kuleuven.ac.be

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