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FW: Newbie with some questions about kribs

Forgive me if this is a double post - still trying to figure out which
address to send the mail to...

Recently, I purchased a female and male pelvicachromis pulcher.  They were
not a known breeding pair.  Both of them are about 2" in length and the
female's belly is quite red/purplish.  I introduced them into a tank (by
themselves) with two caves in it.  The first few days of their introduction,
the female took control of one cave and periodically chased the male around
the tank aggressively.  About a week into it, she seemed to accept the male
and he now joins her frequently in the cave.  She (or he) has dug into the
gravel underneath the cave and surrounding it and now has several entrances
to the cave.  (They also managed to unearth the undergravel filter bed
inside the cave...now have learned that a filter should have been in the
gravel to prevent this...)  She spends quite a bit of time in the cave but
have not seen any eggs/fry so far.

I'm wondering if the likelihood of their pairing to breed is probable based
on their behavior.  (The shop I bought them at also had an albino pair that
had bred successfully multiple times but I ended up getting these two

Also wondering if the albino pair is rare.

Thanks for any information/advice you can provide.

Sandy Erickson

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