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Anerobic substrate... was Failure keeping cichlids in the long term

Here is a barrage of questions concerning the Anerobic substrate issue...

Is an anerobic substrate caused by undergravel filters, or just enhanced by 
it?  Is there a best way to avoid this occurance?  Do plants help prevent or 
contribute to an anerobic situation?  Is this why alot of you use foam 
filters in your tanks instead of undergravel?

Phil Eaton
Dallas, TX

----Original Message Follows----
From: Doug Dunlop <baddog@telusplanet.net>

My vote would have to go to anaerobic substrate.  I have had similar 
in the past where suddenly, a dozen or more fish (in my case ancistrus) are
found dead while cardinal tetras are happily swimming about.  My theory is 
it is only a theory) that pockets of hydrogen sulphide and possibly methane
formed in the substrate.


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