Hi Kathy, You knew the Z-Man would answer. Of my 76 tanks I have only 13-5gal, 51- 10 or 12 gal (12 gal of the home-made variety) and the rest are larger. My article I sent you was titled "Apsitogrammas MY Way) and I do mean MY. I the 5's I am breeding A. agassisi (2 varieties), A. cacatuoides, A. gibbiceps, A. steindachneri & Blue Rams. I have found that the Apisto species with the high dorsal such as A. meinkeni, A. iniridae AND a few others such as the A. nijsseni you mention do need much more room but I can only give them a 10 with lots of cover. Funny thing is Taeniacara candidi which is smaller than most all if not all Apistos, I need a "30 breeder" to successfully keep them from killing each other. But they spawn OK. I guess what I can do, you can't do & what you can do, I can't do. Whenever I get some fish from another breeder, they tell me just how to do it but it never works me, so I (and we) have to experiment until we find out what works for us. I am sure that no two fishroom spawing set-ups are the same. If everyone bred their fish the same way, we all would have 100's of Apisto fry that we can't unload. Getting back to the 5's, many times I select a soon to spawn pair from a larger tank and put them in the 5 only until the eggs are laid and out comes the male. I have been doing this very successfully with some A. cacatuoides I have been working with, trying to come up with a nice strain of "Orange Flash". Don "Z-Man" Zilliox ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com. Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!