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Ram/Dwarf fry density

Hello: I'm new to the list and new to dwarfs. Right now, I'm about seven 
weeks into my first clutch of Ramerezi -- an unexpected but extremely 
interesting experience -- and I have a few questions. After a few mishaps, I 
now have around 50 fry in a bare 20G with foam filter. The fry range in size 
from 1cm to about 2cm. They appear quite healthy and feed vigorously.

Questions: Is this density acceptible for now? I'm in an apartment, and space 
is limited, but I plan to move them to a planted 29G as soon as I can set up 
new quarters for some mated angels. Is this adequate for growout -- at 
least partial growout? What systems do experienced breeders use for raising 
little guys?  Any general tips on judging proper population density for 
growing dwarf cichlids based on size and age?

I look forward to the group's postings on these and other dwarfs as I 
gear up for my first foray in the world of apistos. 


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