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Re: A. sp. Wangenflecken??

In a message dated 1/31/2000 3:19:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, kl@roe.ac.uk 

> it's frustrating as they only sell males, they are sold for $1.99 each, and 
>  they are identified as "wild agassizi."
>  ________________________________________________________________
>  Isn't it funny (not!) that stores will call a fish anything to catch the 
>  of an unsuspecting hobbyist.  In this case if I'm right they are wrong on
>  both words in the description.  The fish are likely to be a captive bred
>  colour form of A.caetei, referred to as "blue head".  They appear sometimes
>  over here and are usually named A.borellii, always all males.
well, this is the same chain that sells any Corydoras as "aeneus," i've seen 
labels that say "aeneus paleatus."   and any Apisto is sold as "agassizi."  
they seem to confuse the genus with species.

you say they are a form of caetei, but they seem to be much smaller than 

tsuh yang chen, nyc, USA

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