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RE: Failure keeping cichlids in the long term

I think the kribs might just be the explanation, and if they have been in
the brooding mood they will dominate as much of the tank as they feel is
necessary, and they have the speed to whack out angles, gouramis and corys,
or intimidate them enough to stress them out of the will to live. Tetras and
harlequins, on the main will split shoal, or have the speed to get out the

>I had thought was a goner a week or so ago, but he
>has since regrown his fins

The one parameter I've not noticed is kribs not going for fins (except for
tails in dominance posturing), they tend to want to strike mid body if they
can but an angel might be too good an opportunity to miss.

You might split you tank into two with a piece of acrylic sheet with the
kribs one side and the others on the other side. If you do do this then
exchange some water from each side of the sheet daily just to make sure all
the water is getting exchanged through the filter. 

Scot (one t;-))
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