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Recent bargain...was A. sp. Wangenflecken??

Speaking of bargains...

Last Sunday just before the superbowl, (great time to get good service!), I 
found 3 tanks full of various Apistos that the guy told me were wild caught. 
  They had labels such as "Misc. Apistogramma", and "Gold Dwarf Cichlid".  I 
picked out about 6 pair at $2.99 and $4.99 each, and took them home to see 
if I could ID any of them accurately.

One pair looks like a very colorful Macmasteri or Vijeta form I.  The 
lateral line appears to be broken at times, and other times looks to be 
zigzag.  The female has a distinct black spot between the ventral fins, and 
the leading edge of the fins are black.  She has not yet colored up to 
breeding colors.  The male has some red on the top and bottom of the caudle, 
and red spots above the lateral line just behind the head with light blue 
streaking in front of the gills.

Another pair looks like a Caucatoid with no color on the fins at all.  The 
Dorsal rays are straight spiked, and quite high.  There are 3 faint lines 
just below the lateral line on both male and female.  The general body color 
is very faded yellow, and turns darker as it goes up the back.  The caudle 
is lyrate on both the male and female, and the female looks to be getting 
very gold since I brought them home.  The male also has some blue streaking 
on his head.  Compared to a tank raised pair I have, the new female has a 
higher spike on her dorsal, and gets a much brighter color of yellow.  The 
males have a similar lip shape and size proportionate to their body.  The 
new pair have much more distinct striping below the lateral line as well.  
One oddity of note, at least to me, is the caudle appears to round on the 
top and bottom slightly before it trails into a lyre tail.  The others I 
have the caudle goes straight back into a lyre.

They also had a pair there that I didn't purchase that looked like an Aggie 
in every way except for a lyre tail instead if the lancelot tail.

I have the Linke & Staek Dwarf SA book, but I'm still unsure of the how to 
ID these fish properly.  I am borrowing a digital camera from a friend soon, 
and should be able to post some pic on my website soon.  Any help on the ID 
would be appreciated!


Phil Eaton
Dallas TX

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