Dan, I checked my M&B for the two species listed. The A. macmasteri is the real mac. Caudal spot and other dark markings are correct. As for the A. viejita, I think it is actually the Rotflecken form ("A. viejita" CF II) of A. sp. Schwarzkehl ("A. viejita" CFIII) or possibly a cross between the true A. viejita & Rotflecken. The fish pictured is a domestic form produced by Hüser. The colors are too intense and finnage too exaggerated to tell for certain. Macs and all the viejita-forms can produce caudal extensions; this isn't diagnostic for either species. All have similar sized & shaped dorsal fins, too. BTW the fish that won the ACA best of show was a Rotflecken, not a true A. viejita. Mike Wise Dan Gottsegen wrote: > I was perusing Mayland and Bork earlier today, specifically reading up > on A. viejita, having recently purchased a pair of them (they seem to be > "type 1" though I'm not sure yet). In so doing, I noticed that the > photos of A. macmasteri and A. viejita seem to be switched in this book. > At least it seems so when comparing with photos of said species in other > books and the prize winning specimen at the ACA convention this year. I > thought that a. macmasteri could have a lyreate caudal fin, while A. > viejita's is truncate. Also the dorsal fins seem wrong, etc. Seems like > a very clear switch. This probably was discussed on the list some time > ago, so I am sorry if it is repetitious. I remember a list of mis-ids on > the list some time ago. > > On the topic of apisto's found without much fanfare (or interest or > correct labeling) on the part of the LFS: I saw some A. inridae at a > local shop yesterday. At least so they were labeled. They were priced at > $2.49, seemed pretty cheap. A fairly non-descript looking species. I had > not seen them before, and according to my reading they seem to be fairly > uncommon (a side catch with neon tetras on occasion). I didn't buy any > since I have no room for them. This same place had Badis badis for > cheap. These and "croaking gouramis" seem to have appeared in local > shops around here suddenly. > > -Dan > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. > For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, > email apisto-request@listbox.com. > Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com. Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!