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Re: Ghost Shrimp Was: Microworms


I´ve kept a few species of glass/grass shrimp and started 4 months ago to
try to breed them.  I separate females with eggs in a 5 gl. tank with hard
water (they have problems molting if kept in soft water) at 26 C.  Once the
eggs have hatched, I transfer the larvae to a separate rearing tank (they
can be collected with a flashlight in the dark like BBS).
I had no success with any of these species, until I prepared a tank with
brackish water (17 gr/l of Instant Ocean) and moved the larvae there.  Even
the larvae of the "Japanese/Miami Grass shrimp", bought at the LFS didn´t
survive in freshwater.
I´ve added Protogen, Liquifry 1 and a little yeast to the rearing tank and,
although survival rate is low, there are still about two dozen shrimp (8-10
mm) darting around the tank after 11 weeks.  I suppose true freshwater
grass shrimp might be easier to raise.  
The ones brought in from Florida might be Caridina japonica, although I´m
not sure.  I don´t have a clue which species I´ve collected in Honduras,
Beliz and Guatemala.

Hope this helps,


At 12:12 p.m. 21/02/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Does anybody have any tips on raising Ghost (or Grass) shrimp?
>These shrimps are GREAT for conditioning dwarf pikes.  Everytime I stuff my
>pikes with these shrimps, the fish spawn.  My aggies and bitaeniata also
>love taking bites out of these shrimps.  I had a spare 20 with some plants
>and algae, so I dumped about a dozen shrimps in there.  I have the Charles
>O. Masters Encyclopedia of Live Foods and it says feed them what you would
>any fish.
>Have any of you tried breeding these things?
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