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Re: Mike Wise writing a book?

well, you've made your case but I still think you have much to offer- you
may not have discovered any new species, etc. but your ability to remember
and  call up at will and pull together a synopsis of any and all apisto
facts is pretty extraordianary- would be a nice change from the "single
german opinion" format dc books- just don't publish with TFH! I would
really like to see a book that explores the ecology, natural history and
biogeography of apistos (and other south american cichlids) with
interesting habitat photography....probably would  make the ny times
bestseller list though :>

>Kathy (Ladies first), Tsuh Yang & Vinny, and everyone,
>Oh God! Did I stick my foot in my mouth! Tsuh Yang's right, family will always
>come first, then apistos, ASG, and then all of you guys on the list
>(sorry). Yes,
>I do have empty tanks, but only 25 - 30 of them and none are over 30
>gallons (of
>course I don't have any tanks over 30 gallons!). Vinny's right, too, Uwe has a
>wife, son, and daughter. Ingo has a wife, daughter, and several dozen students.
>Suffering must be a prerequisite for writing a d.c. book!
>Once, in the glow of many accolades, I semi-seriously considered writing a book
>in installments for the ASG. Sitting back and looking at it dispassionately I
>realized that I didn't have the resources to do it properly. Access to newly
>discovered species is a major part in writing any book on this subject. I don't
>have access to the fish (I'm not rich by any means and dwarf cichlids are
>next to
>impossible to find in Denver unless you come to my ... (Oh No, I won't go
>there!)). Unless you are TFH Publications or A.C.S. Glaser, access to
>photos of all the needed species is extremely difficult. Time could be
>found for
>observing and breeding all of the species, but I feel mass breeding each
>only once or twice would become more like work than a hobby. This is
>something I
>don't want to happen! I'm happy observing and breeding obscure,
>less-than-commerically-salable (= mostly ugly), apistos that fill my tanks
>My question is why do we need another book?? Right now there are 2 books
>on West
>Africans, 8 books on Neotropicals and 3 on dwarfs in general that are in print
>and available right now. (Oh, yes,  I do have a manuscript to one more, but it
>certainly isn't mine!) There is also the ASG which is progressing nicely thanks
>to the few dedicated people willing to work on its Steering Committee. There's
>the Apisto Mailing List, too. Do we really need more books? All I can do is
>repeat what the other books say. Is it worth it? I don't think so. Besides, I
>don't need all of you picking my book apart for errors & mis-IDs! Oh, and for
>those who just have to have my autograph, I hope to see you all at the ACA
>Convention in Cleveland in July.
>Mike Wise
>V Kutty wrote:
>> >
>> > please, vinny... mike's gonna tell you he's too busy with a wife, kids, a
>> house... i tell you, he's got all his priorities screwed up... :-)
>> >
>> > for god's sake, he's got empty tanks at home!!!!!!
>> >
>> > tsuh yang chen, nyc, USA
>> He's gotta spend an hour a day answering all our danged questions...cut back
>> to half hour and write the book with the other half.  If you've been on the
>> list for more than a year, you notice that the questions kinda repeat.  Then
>> all he has to say is "Read the book!"  Simple.  Mike, it'll be a labor of
>> love!
>> Vinny
>> PS: Romer's got a wife, house, job etc.  Koslowski must too.  Heck, being
>> busy is a prerequisite!
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                              Steven J. Waldron

               "Natural History, Captive Husbandry, Conservation and
                           Biophilia of Tropical Frogs"


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