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RE: Mike Wise writing a book?

> I'm happy observing and breeding obscure,
> less-than-commerically-salable (= mostly ugly), apistos that 
> fill my tanks right
> now.

Can I ask what you are keeping?  I've never met an ugly Apisto.

To expand on this would it be useful for list members to post what exactly
they are keeping right now as a sort of survey?  I know that the ASG and BCA
do this sort of thing but unfortunately not many people seem to reply.

My current (small) collection consists of:
A. sp Rio Mamore RED
D.maculatus (four females and if anyone in the UK has a male looking for
partners they can have them FOC).

> My question is why do we need another book?? Right now there 
> are 2 books on West
> Africans, 

What is the second book on WAs?  I am aware of the Linke & Staeck one but
not another?

>Do we really need more books? 

Yes, the more the merrier.


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