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Re: Female or Sleeper Male?


Patricia is correct. "A. viejita Color Form II" does not conform exactly to the
type material of A. viejita. It appears to be a species closely related to A.
viejita and has been called the Rotflecken/Red-flecked Apisto. It probably is a
more colorful form of the Schwarzkehl/Black-throat Apisto (a.k.a. A. viejita
Color Form III). A. viejita Color Form I matches A. viejita and comes from the
type locality, so it should be the "real" A. viejita.

Now that I've written this, I will add a caveat. I agree with Koslowski, who
believes that it is better to finely divide the different forms of apistos and
list them as species for now. It is possible many species of apistos will be
combined by some taxonomist in the future. If this occurs, all of the above
species will be considered one species - A. macmasteri!

Mike Wise

Ken Laidlaw wrote:

> I believe viejita II are just that and do not go by any other name.
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