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RE: Female or Sleeper Male?


I believe viejita II are just that and do not go by any other name.
It does sound to me that you have a female.  The bright yellow colouration
could in fact mean that she has spawned already.  If you've had the fish for
such a long time I'd expect that fish to be quite a bit smaller than the
others which you say are males.

If you want to breed these fish I suggest you move out the pleco and the
corys to another tank.  It may also be worthwhile moving the males.  If this
spawning fails consider giving another tank to the female and the best
looking male.

Good luck
Ken - Scotland.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patricia Ceger [mailto:pc6@acpub.duke.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 15:57
> To: apisto@listbox.com
> Subject: Female or Sleeper Male?
> Hi All,
> These are the first Apistos I've ever kept, so bear with me 
> if I'm asking
> dumb questions.
> About 6 or 7 months ago, I won some Apisto viejita II ( I 
> know, someone
> told me these fish have a different name, but I forgot it), 
> at an aquarium
> society raffle.  I was told that I had 4 males, but they were 
> pretty young,
> and none of them were particularly colorfull.  About a month 
> after I got
> them home, I definitely had a dominant and 2 subdominant 
> males.  I also had
> a fish that looks like a female.  This bright yellow fish has 
> staked out a
> cave and is guarding it against all other inhabitants of the tank,
> including the Cory cats and plecos.  So, what I want to know 
> is whether
> this is a female, or a sleeper male.  would a sleeper male mimic the
> behavior of a female as well as her coloration?
> Thanks all,
> Patricia
> PS  I am interested in obtaining some Apisto. 
> nijsseni,panduro, hongsloi
> II, macmasteri "red neck" or "red shoulder" and or caucatoides "orange
> flash".  Does anyone have some extra they'd be willing to 
> sell/trade?  
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
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