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RE: bottles for shipping.

On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Liptrot, Pete wrote:

>   How do you get the cubes of Polyfilter in and out when they need
> replacement without tipping all the water out?
> Or do you transfer the water and fish to a fresh bottle with a new cube of
> medium? 

tweezers!  Or pour the whole mess into a hanging transfer container which
is easier to poke around in.

Oh, and to answer "where do you buy it?" Pet Warehouse and other places
sell it in pads (like 3x12, etc).  You cut it into 1cm cubes off the pads.

  - Erik

(ObPlug: Anyone in the Seattle area interested in aquatic plants, next
Tuesday is our club's annual plant auction.  See www.gsas.org for details)

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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