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Re: H2S from peat barrel

The Hydrogen Sulfide is being caused by anaerobic decomposition of organics in the peat.
You need to keep "dead" (anaerobic) areas from forming in the the peat layer, just like
in aquarium gravel. Either use a thinner layer of peat, stir the peat periodically, or
make sure that oxygen reaches the bottom of the layer of peat. I wonder if an old under
gravel filter plate might work?? You can drive some of the H2S out of the water by
aerating it. Being heavier than air (O2, N2, CO2, etc.) it might be harder pull it out of
aqueous solution, however.

Mike Wise

J Miller wrote:

>   Yesterday, I was getting some peat from my 35 gal barrel I use to
> soften my water, and noticed a strong H2S smell when I stirred the peat
> in the bottom.  Is there a way to prevent the H2S build up?  Would
> running a powerhead in the barrel w/ the output stirring the peat
> constantly keep the decomposition down?
> Thanks.
> =====
> J. Miller
> Edmonton, AB, Can.
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