Right, at least
that's been my experience. And I don't have much of it. I'm always learning
and actually have only been breeding less than a year. One of my fellow
apistonuts at the OCA told me (no names mentioned) he was tired of hearing me
say I am a new guy because I've a quiet a few spawns. With my
limited experience I found its some of the simplest things like water changes
that make a big difference. Back to your pronouncing of
cacatuoide...Most I've heard use the kaka-toid but, I've heard the kaka-toidie
used also and yes according to the website I gave you the Latin would express
the latter of the two. So which ever you like is fine just have fun. And enjoy
you caca's<G>
Unfortunately, I only have a batchelor male right now with some other
dwarfs and dithers. If anyone has an extra female or two, I might be
interested. My male has the yellow coloration - no red.