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RE: Planaria Problems

if my memory is good planaria have a triangular head form therefore looking
different from leeches.
Nevertheless i aggree with max in that i've very often seen leeches
associated with blackworm (or whatever name they sell the worm under)
i'll try to get a picture of planaria.
my 2 cents

 Yvan Alleau
712 N.W Kings Blvd
Corvallis, OR 97330
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
[mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of Max Gallade
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:09 PM
To: apisto@listbox.com
Subject: Re: Planaria Problems

Hi all,
Remember the original post:The pests came in with blackworms.What makes
everybody so shure that it really is planaria we're talking about.I've seen
leeches in portions of Blackworms many times.The poster mentioned that the
worms in question had flat heads.That points me to leeches.I've also seen
some strange red worms develope in tanks month after feeding
Blackworms.Aren't planaria some harmless tiny white worms that occur due to
a heavy bioload in a tank and dissapear after a few good waterchanges?I
wouldn't medicate a tank that has a planaria infestation,just kick up your
maintenance efforts a notch,Bam-gone.I love Emeril ;).
Just wonder

>From: Engagg@aol.com
>Reply-To: apisto@listbox.com
>To: apisto@listbox.com
>Subject: Re: Planaria Problems
>Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 14:39:42 EST
>One of my friends used them at full dose and lost a bunch of full size cory
>cats, it is tough stuff, but works well.

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