Tsuh, I can definitely relate. I live in Nashville and apistos are expensive and hard to find here as well. The best store in town finally got double-red and orange-flash caca's along with a pair of opal borellii - $19.99 ea. or $35.00 for a pair. Ouch! I traded a large SAE and a crenicara punctulatum, so ended up forking over $20 net for a pair of double-reds. They also had taenaitus pelvicachromis "Moliwe" for $50.00 a pair! Luckily, they do get kribs, curviceps, and blue-mask borellii (males only) fairly often for reasonable prices. Incidentally (and off-topic), two of my curvi's are colored-up nicely and digging nests. It's the little things that bring the most joy.
My local store has takes the cake. I saw triple red cac's for $50/pair!! --
Brian Ahmer ahmer.1@osu.edu http://www.angelfire.com/or/biggestbri
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