Hello Jody, I hope you don't mind me emailing you. I saw your post on the apisto list about online/mail ordering. I have recently starting an online fish business through which I am selling fish that I breed, as well as fish others have bred or those I import. I have no minimum orders, and I am very experienced in shipping. I have been breeding fish for several years and shipping my fish for the last few through aquabid under the name Cichfreak. If you check me out, you will find I have an excellent reputation. I specialize in rare and exotic tropical fish, and I'm always looking for something new, which is reflected in my selection of fishes offered for sale. You can check out my website at http://www.aquamania.ws . I also sell fish for Randy Carey, another accomplished member of the apisto list who also lives here in MN. He breeds many types of rare and difficult tetras, rasboras, and barbs. We have recently made arrangements for me to sell his fish on my site. If you have any questions I'd be happy to help you in any way I can. Regards, Zack Wilson AquaMania ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com.