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RE: The Theory of Evolution should be preached on A differ net list...

this kind of e-mail is absolutely unappropriate in our list.
please: we are discussing dwarf cichlids here!
You do not hold the Truth: respect people believes and they'll respect you
And after you wonder why people are fighting all over the world, while even
in a country like the US people are not able to accept someone else view. It
doesn't mean agreeing with that view.

What about astonishing us with your apisto knowledge instead?

anywoo...some things will never change.

Yvan Alleau
712 NW Kings Blvd
Corvallis, OR 97330
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
office (Burt 222): 737-3649, to be used wisely!
home: 738-0606


"When you're far from everything, you're getting closer to the essential"

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
[mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of Dave Gomberg
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 7:43 PM
To: apisto@listbox.com
Subject: Re: The Theory of Evolution should be preached on A differ net

Actually I kind of enjoy this evolution stuff.   I had a lot of fun writing
to the Kansas Board of Education thanking them for "stupiding" the Kansas
students so my kids would have an easier time competing with Kansans.   It
was pretty funny.   Go ahead, if you want to disbelieve in evolution, do
it.  And buy some really nice tin cups for your kids to beg with, they
won't get real jobs.   Maybe they can sweep the church.

At 07:47 PM 3/13/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I don't believe the egg eating was anything more than hunger and I don't
>think this list is a place to try to prove "Theory" that a whole lot of
>smarter people have been doing for some time now. and yet it's still a
>                                                             JerryB
>I took his evolution theory as light hearted, and I'm sure that's how he
>intended it.
>As for the "Theory" of evolution, the National Academy of Sciences
>published a small book on the subject for K-12 teachers recently.  It
>states that religious and non-religious scientists alike consider the idea
>that evolution occurs, and has occurred, to be proven from so many angles
>that it is a fact.  They then go on to explain why they still call it a
>theory even though it's a fact, much like Newton's theory of gravity is
>considered to be a fact.  That we all evolved from common ancestors is
>considered factual, but there are millions of theories within the field
>that remain hypotheses.  Most of these have to do with when "critter 1"
>branched from "critter 2", etc., and if critter 3 branched off a line
>before critter 4, or arose through hybridization of this to that, etc..,
>stuff like that.
>They conclude with the idea that many scientists are religous and that's
>fine.  But gods aren't testable ideas and therefore aren't science.  In
>science class, kids should learn about evolution.  Even all of the
>religious members of the National Academy signed off on this.  They
>phrased it much nicer than I would have.  All religions require blind
>faith and the propensity for people to embrace blind faith is one of the
>most frightening aspects of human nature.
>Sorry, this is way off topic, but I couldn't help it.  I promise I've said
>my peace and I won't argue it any further.
>Brian Ahmer, Ph.D.
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Microbiology
>The Ohio State University
>376 Bioscience Building
>484 West 12th Ave
>Columbus OH 43210

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   KG6IBW     gomberg at wcf dot com
http://www.wcf.com/co2iron for low cost CO2 systems that work!

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