Hi all,
Anybody knows what are correct names of the
following species sold by Aquarium Lima in Peru : Apisto
albertini Apisto baby face Apisto blue Apisto frank Apisto
galaxis 1 Apisto galaxis 2 Apisto gossey Apisto juruensis (real
?) Apisto linkei (from bolivia ?) Apisto melgar Apisto
papagallo (=papagei ?) Apisto pastaraense Apisto pevas Apisto
I would like to know what I have to command to have
atahualpa, maulbruter and lyretail panduro...
Thanks in
advance, Best regards, Michael ___________
cichlidae@ifrance.com http://cichlidae.netliberte.org
http://theraphosidae.netliberte.org ICQ #35720218